The homecoming date has been pushed back to Sunday or Monday. Today they are testing Morgan’s caffeine levels and if it is at a therapeutic level they will do the 12 hour sleep study tonight.

This afternoon I am meeting with the Apnea Monitor Company to learn how to use the heart and breathing monitor. So it looks like Morgan will be going home on a monitor. How long he stays on the monitor will be up to his pediatrician. But I am being told that the usually reevaluate in 90 days, so he’™ll be on the monitor at least that long. The monitor is portable, it has an 8 hour battery life so we can go out with it, and it is movable from room to room.

Don and I took the Child Care and Infant CPR class last night; this was a must before we could take Morgan home.

Morgan did great breast feeding yesterday afternoon and evening. And he has been taking 60 ‘“ 65 ccs at his feedings. They are letting him eat as much as he wants. He is up another 2 ounces and now weighs 5lbs 12 ozs.

Don is making progress on Morgan’s room, but he is glad to have the extra day, or two. Morgan will probably come home on Sunday, but we are mentally prepared for it to be Monday or even later if that’s what the Dr’s decide.

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